In for the Long Game (my weight loss update)
“It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” ~Confusius
Several weeks ago I posted unhappily about how I was my highest weight in 10 years.
Admitting something like that is not easy for me – I don’t like showing up on social media not looking like my most fit self. I don’t like being unhappy and uncomfortable in my skin. I don’t like finding myself standing inside my pantry stuffing my face with crackers and chips.
I am sharing this with you all because I know it’s important to be real and share my journey. I lost 20+ pounds 10 years ago. Also, I tend to see the scale go up a little each winter and then come down again in the spring. I know that when I put my mind to it, I can find my best healthiest and fittest self. Having done it before gives me confidence that I can do it again.
BUT I know YOU are not necessarily confident about embarking on this journey. It takes patience to play the long game – and you’ll hit multiple walls, you might obsess about the scale, you might lose hope and binge and you might just want to quit.
Today am 6 lbs down from my 2020 peak weight. I’ve lost about a 1 pound a week. I am barely halfway to my goal and I know that my goal is likely smaller than yours. My progress may feel slow to you but, I assure you, this is how it gets done. I am in this for the LONG GAME.
How about you? Is there a BIG, SCARY, LONG TERM goal that you want to reach? Have you started yet?
If you need help achieving your fitness and nutrition goals contact me.
Not all Beachbody coaches are created equal. Few are more active and consistent than most. Some have shown years of dedication to their customers and business. Some have a personal message and story that resonates with you. I am one of those few active, consistent and dedicated coaches. I strive to motivate others by sharing my journey. I listen to and respond to your needs. Before you make your Beachbody purchase, choose a coach that inspires, encourages and helps you stay on track with your health and fitness goals.
Contact me to discuss your health and fitness goals!
accountability, clean eating, fitness motivation, healthy eating
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